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ENLIGHTENMENT: How Your Airplane Trips Will Be Different in 2025

Are you excited to book a flight for your next out-of-town trip? Or are you bracing yourself for chaos and anguish? Based on upcoming changes in air travel this year, it’s okay to feel both.

New planes, new routes, new partnerships and new money-making strategies are the name of the game for the airline industry in 2025. There will also be new government regulations and requirements (e.g. will this be the year we’re required to get a Real ID?).. And here at our local airport, there will be lots of construction at SMF.

We wanted to make sense of how all the headlines about Boeing planes, frequent flyer programs, Southwest Airlines moving to assigned seating will affect our flight bookings and air travel.We wanted to make sense of how all the headlines about Boeing planes, frequent flyer programs, Southwest Airlines moving to assigned seating will affect our flight bookings and air travel. So we invited a veteran travel agent and the deputy director of Sacramento International Airport to sit down and advise us what to think about when booking our next flight, and what to expect when we arrive at the airport and get on the plane.


  • Stephen Clark, deputy director of commercial development at Sacramento International Airport

  • Paul Dhadda, CEO of Exquisite Travel Group

We want this to be a truly interactive conversation, so please bring your questions — no topic is too small or too dumb to ask about.


Ruhstaller’s BSMT has a variety of beers on tap, as well as wine, kombucha and sparkling water. Please feel free to BYO food and nonalcoholic beverages.

To claim your seat, register here on our Eventbrite page..